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Ways to earn money by blogging in Kenya

Make 1000 Dollars Online You might be wondering, "How exactly do people earn money by blogging?" Does WordPress or Blogspot give money to bloggers when they start blogging? Is there any trick that bloggers do to make their blogs give them good money?

 Blogspot, or rather wordpress, do not give money to bloggers for opening blogs using their accounts. However, there are other programs that can enable bloggers to earn money
through their blog, as they start blogging.

I have been blogging for a couple of months now and I can assure you that there is good money in the blogging industry. It all depends on your hard work and determination. You have to be street smart and very creative.

This post is one of the series I had decided to make public in order to help my fellow Kenyans to earn money from their blogs. Remember, you can always increase blog income to any level. You can blog full time and be able to earn a living through the blog.

As you have probably read somewhere else, AdSense is a Google program that is used to display adverts on a website. Adverts are displayed according to the topic and the main words used in a blog. You earn money when people click on and/or see adverts.

Adsense will only pay you once your earnings reach $100 dollars.

In-Text advertising.
Another way of making money through blogging in Kenya is through in text advertising. In this method, you write a blog post normally, but before you finish writing the post, you write something small about a certain product.

The reader may not realize it was an advert and may think it was part of the post. They will end up reading the advert anyway and you will earn money from it.

For any query about how you can use these techniques to make some good cash from your blog, feel free to ask in the comments part below, and I will answer you. 

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  8. Google Adsense is an easy way to make money from your blog. All you need to do is add a script from Google to your website and start displaying ads.
    You will get paid for every time a user clicks on the ad. These are called CPC ads.
    What is CPC? CPC stands for “cost per click.” By displaying CPC ads with Google Adsense, you receive a set fee every time an ad on your website is clicked by a visitor. The cost per click is set by the advertiser. (This is in contrast to CPM ads, where you’re paid for ad views instead of clicks. CPM means “cost per thousand impressions,” where M is the roman numeral for 1,000.)
    Google Adsense is a good way to start earning money online when you are first starting out.
    You can see our guide on how to monetize a WordPress blog with Google AdSense to get started, and this tutorial on how to optimize your AdSense revenue for more tips.

    Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood
    that will make you rich and famous in the world and have
    power to control people in the high place in the worldwide
    .Are you a business man or woman,artist, political,
    musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful
    in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get
    instant rich sum of. 2 million dollars in a week, and a free
    house in any where you choose to live in this world and also
    get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary %u2026
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    4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist
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    6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total
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    9.Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank
    account every month as a member
    10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world
    Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
    If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood of
    illuminati contact Mr harry true call or WhatsApp on +2349036317149 or e-mail(
