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Funny!!!LUO ELDERS Want compensation from the British Government, claiming they were part of MAU MAU!


Friday June 7, 2013 - A section of Luo Council of elders have now written to the British Government requesting it to compensate them also, since they were part and parcel of the Mau Mau insurgency of the 1950’s.

Speaking in a Kisumu Hotel on Thursday, the elders led by their chairman Willis Otondi said the independence of this country was fought by all the 42 tribes and it is discriminatory forthe British Government to compensate only one tribe, dismissing the others.

Otondi said they will find a good lawyer in the United Kingdom who will take their grievances to the British government.

The Council’s move comes at a time when the British Government has decided to compensate over 5,2oo Mau Mau war veterans with a record Sh 2.6 billion.

99 percent of those to be compensated come from the larger Kikuyu community. Each of the victims will pocket more than Sh 360,000

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  1. i can't stop laughing over this story..eti maumau...
    where why they based...who was their leader...on a serious note;
    people sacrificed alot...blood was shed they should stop joking
